The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has announced the introduction of a van exchange scheme, with the backing of several van manufacturers, ahead of the planned changes to the Low Emission Zone next year. Citroën, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Peugeot and Volkswagen are all taking part in the scheme and will be offering reductions as incentives to upgrade to their greener, more efficient fleets.
Beginning Jan 3, 2012, those who drive older commercial vehicles that do not meet the requirements of the stricter emissions standard will be subject to a hefty fee. A daily fee of £100 will be charged along with a potential £500 penalty.
In his typically bombastic style, Boris remarked, that vans were the lifeblood of London: “Their drivers are knights of the road, an army of entrepreneurs who decorate our homes, fix our plumbing, and generally provide all the vital goods and services essential to the smooth running of our city.” He went on to say, “This noble bunch is mostly small business owners and independent traders who are focused on grafting hard to support their families and build a better future.
“The vast majority of people who are affected by these new changes have upgraded their vehicles and need not take any action but for those remaining people I know these are difficult times and that their vehicles are essential for their livelihoods.”
Do you currently own a older commercial vehicle in London, if so, how soon are you looking to exchange to a newer model – if at all?
You can find out whether your vehicle is affected by the new LEZ standards here.
One comment on “Financial support for London’s white van men”
How can he get away with this, thought it was an april fool at first. FFs £100, we aint all got 10k for a new van boris…
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