We all know that times are tough and that the haulage industry has had a particularly bad year, what with the fuel crisis and the spiralling economic downturn. To further dampen spirits, research by Motor Transport has revealed a shocking £82m of revenue has been lost within the industry as a result of company collapses. Most notably Amtrak with £35m and Innovate Group with £19m.
I remember when we were first launching back in May and the statistics were showing us that 13.6% of haulage firms went out of business in 2007. As if this wasn’t bad enough, October and November has seen far worse levels of company failures. In fact, there has been a 47.2% increase compared with the same period last year.
So, now more than ever, it is so vital for haulage companies to keep their efficiency levels high. Obviously that is across all levels of their business but keeping their vehicles full and reducing the number of wasted trips is something with is key to success and indeed sadly for some, survival. Something which I’m proud to say Shiply is committed to helping with.