A recent survey carried out by the Road Haulage Association, has found that over 3/4 of haulage companies have seen a a dramatic downturn in business. The findings come as no surprise given the recession.
Jack Semple, director of policy at the RHA, said: “Business demand dropping off is a big enough problem on its own, but coupled with the fact that customers are taking longer to pay, it is a real problem,” Semple says. “This industry is already well below the business average for receiving payments.”
The survey was conducted amongst 300 drivers, ranging from owner-drivers to large fleets and found:
- 41% reported business was down by 10-30%
- 20% found business had fallen 30-50%
- 9% has seen business drop by more than 50%
- 52% of hauliers say customers are taking significantly longer to pay
- 20% of operators are having serious problems agreeing credit facilities with banks
- 25% of hauliers face difficulties getting credit for spare parts and consumables