The super van that makes you want to go camping

From the outside, this £350,000 vehicle might look like a prison van but inside interior really shows why it’s called the Rolls-Royce of motor homes.

The super van from the outside
Globecruiser is made by Austrian firm Action Mobil with “the best components and materials that have been tried and tested”, said spokesman Stephen Wirths.

From the inside, Globecruiser is totally a luxury vehicle, with hot water onboard, latest chic fittings, a proper porcelain toilet and five star dining room.

Globecruiser’s 5 start dining room

This luxury van is obviously not for everyone but if you are a camping fan, it might well be in your shopping list for this summer, if you’ve got £350k lying about that is!

One comment on “The super van that makes you want to go camping

  • Well..why buy a perfectly good English house when you can buy this "super" Van… hang on..I will be back in a minute I think someones trying to drive off with my English Farm House.

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