Van driver stands up against the clampers! Spends two nights sleeping in vehicle

I’m sure we have all had a run-in at some point with an unscrupulous car clamping firm. But spare a thought for the poor couriers who are only parked up for a few minutes to make a delivery (often to the occupants of the property) only to return 2 minutes later with a clamp and £200 sting.

As a delivery company with multiple drops and customers to service everyday, they can’t afford not to pay the fines – clampers know this.

Michael Lea, 40, sparked a media frenzy after spending two nights in his van to prevent it being removed by clampers in west Hull.

He faced a fine which rose to £350, eventually an un-named charity paid his fine so he could finally get home!

It is claimed that the clamping firm Sector Security Ltd. has developed a notorious reputation in Hull for using intimidating and threatening behaviour.

The clamping “industry” is heavily criticised for a lack of regulation.

If you live in a clamping area, please do make a point to tell your couriers where they can park when making a delivery.