What’s The Cheapest Way To Get A Car Delivery Quote?

Like most services, you wouldn’t accept the first price quoted! So, it really pays to shop around for car delivery quotes. Like most things in life, you do tend get what you pay for, however just because you find a cheap price for moving your car it doesn’t mean that service will be poor.

When driving on the motorway in the UK, I’m sure that we have all seen those large multi-vehicle transporters and I bet that you have also seen many that are only half full or some that only have one car being transported. These are the situations where consumers are able to get a low price for car transport. If the car delivery company is already making a trip similar to yours and has capacity to spare, it is not unusual for them to offer discounts of up to 75%.

Similarly, it will often be the case that a car transport company is making a trip with a full load from London to Manchester say and after delivery has to return back to the depot in Manchester empty. Finding loads for that return journey which car transporters have to make is what’s referred to in the industry as backloads and generally come with huge discounts.

Shiply enables you, the consumer to match yourself up with these empty car transporters already on the road and with capacity to spare. You simply list your vehicle on the site for free and then thousands of transport providers will bid for your job – like an auction. Don’t be surprised to receive quotes up to 75% cheaper than if you just “phoned around”!

You can also quickly and easily import vehicles you are bidding on from eBay for delivery Motors into hiply.