Worst Shortcut Ever

You know we can’t resist a good bit of sat nav madness, so this week, we bring you the lorry driver who unquestioningly drove his car transporter deep into the Styrian forest in Austria.

The transporter stuck in the Styrian forest (Picture: FF Deutschlandsberg)

The driver in question was directed off road while on his way to deliver eight cars to a the Schweighofer car garage from a depot in Deutschlandsberg.

As is so often the case, instead of switching the gadget off and engaging his common sense, he followed the narrowing roads of the forest beyond the tarmacked surfaces and onto a dirt trail, ploughing on for 5 km until he got stuck.

Having not found the exit he was expecting at the other side, and unable to turn back, the driver had to call the fire service for help.

In order to prevent the truck from toppling over with the weight of its charge, the fire service removed the cars from the transporter before reversing it out of the forest.

The whole operation took four hours, including driving the brand new cars out of the forest separately.