Cost Of Living Crisis: How To Save Money On Your Bills This Winter

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to a significant increase in the cost of petrol, food and energy prices all throughout Europe over the last few months. The UK is no different, with the country experiencing its most significant cost of living crisis since the 1950s.

With Winter on the horizon, many of us are looking for ways to cut our energy consumption down in any way possible in an attempt to reduce the size of our bills. Here at Shiply, we thought we would put together a list of some of the best methods to reduce your energy bills and help you save money this Winter. We have tried to only include tips which don’t require a big investment as this slightly defeats the point of saving money!

Here are Shiply’s best energy-saving tips:

Turn Off Unused Appliances Including Standby

Let’s start with one of the most obvious tips – turn off unused electronics! More specifically, make sure they are actually turned off at the plug when not in use. TVs, TV boxes, speakers and computers all default to a standby mode when you turn them ‘off’, however, this mode is effectively a super low power mode, and these devices will still use small amounts of electricity when in this state. Turning them off at the plug, or even just unplugging them, avoids this issue. Additionally, phone and laptop chargers left plugged in when not in use can also sap small amounts of electricity and so you should do your best to unplug these when not using them too.

The savings from each of these will be small, but collectively, they can make a dent in your upcoming energy bill.

Conservative Use

Moving on from the ‘turn things off’ advice is the ‘turn things down’ advice. Simple! Whether it is your overall thermostat, shower temperature, or washing machine settings, using a lower temperature can accumulate to a decent saving over a year. Turn your washing machine to the 30 degrees setting and use a drying rack instead of a tumble dryer for extra savings! With thermostats, even a 1-degree reduction can result in big savings and so it is worth reconsidering the temperature you heat your house to when you do turn it on. Draught-proofing (more on this later) can offset heat loss and you may not even notice the change.

Only running things when they are full is another great way to reduce your energy consumption. For example, always ensure your washing machine and dishwasher are actually full before you turn them on. This reduces unnecessary cycles and ensures you are using them to their maximum efficiency. In contrast, only filling your kettle with the amount of water you actually need heated can shave off a few pounds in the long run as well.

Cut Down On Water Waste

Water waste is a big contributor to bills, especially water that has been heated up, as you will be using energy to do this. As such, cutting down on the rate at which you waste hot water can have a significant impact on your energy bills. Shorter showers at lower temperatures will help push you in this direction, however, there are a few more steps you can take to reduce water waste. One big one is not taking baths – they use up significantly more water than showers and keeping them few and far between will help keep your usage down. Another handy one is when washing the dishes, use a bowl of hot water rather than a constantly running tap.

Energy-Saving Lightbulbs

As the days get darker, light is not something we want to sacrifice in our homes. However, there are still ways to keep your bills down without living in darkness. Energy-saving lightbulbs are an absolute no-brainer – they use less energy than conventional lightbulbs, as well as lasting for much longer. We do still absolutely recommend turning lights off in rooms not in use, however.

Smart Meters

Now, this is a big one at the moment. The first benefit of smart meters right now is that they will help to give more accurate readings to your energy supplier of how much energy you are actually using. This can lead to bills that are much lower and closer to your actual usage as opposed to estimates which can often be sky high.

The benefits of a smart meter stretch much further than just readings – they are actually able to control almost all aspects of your central heating, from overall temperature (obviously) to individual room control and even automatic on and off times. The best thing about smart meters is that this is all accessible and controllable from your mobile phone, meaning not only can you pre-heat your house before you arrive, but you can also remotely turn the heating off to save money. The more control you have over your central heating, the more control you have over your energy bill.

Draught Proofing

There is no point in heating your house if the heat simply escapes, and this is where draft-proofing can come in handy to help save you money on your energy bills. If the heat stays in the house, you will be able to not only use lower temperatures on your thermostat but also use it for less time overall.

There are kits you can buy to help draft your house, which includes window and skirting board strips. Sealing cracks in floors can also help, as well as lining your letterbox and ensuring that any unused chimneys in your property are blocked (inflatable pillows are available for this last one). All of these, if left as they are, will leak heat out of your home and so we highly recommend draught-proofing to ensure you are getting maximum efficiency and value out of your heating.

Question Your Bills

The final piece of advice we have isn’t so much proactive as reactive, but it is still incredibly important that people know about it.


As we stated earlier, a lot of energy bills are estimates, and these tend to be much higher than the actual figures you owe. Rather than just paying the bill, send a meter reading to your energy supplier and request another quote. This will almost always be lower than their initial estimates and can save you hundreds with just a simple check.

If you are really struggling with your bills, you can also reach out to your supplier and ask for a payment plan which can stretch the costs over a longer period of time, meaning big bills don’t hurt quite as much.

We hope these tips will help you throughout this cost of living crisis, and as always, if you need anything moved, try Shiply!

Celebrate Giving Tuesday This Year

The weekend of Black Friday and Cyber Monday is without a doubt the commercial event of the year, with deals and offers available from almost every store you can think of. However, there is a lesser-known event that takes place after the retail weekend, and as an environmentally conscious company, it’s one we like to focus on more!

Giving Tuesday Logo

Giving Tuesday was founded in the US in 2012, and was officially adopted in the UK in 2014. It takes place each year after Cyber Monday and encourages people to counteract some of the negative effects of Black Friday by giving back in some way, whether that is through donations to charity, giving time to local community services or food banks, or however else you feel that you can help. The celebratory day has grown in popularity as more celebrities and organisations have promoted it, and last year the results were astounding; a staggering £20.2 million in donations were raised, which was not only a 43% increase on the year before but now holds the record for the most money raised online for a charity in 24 hours!

As we have written about before, Black Friday, whilst great for finding some great savings on products, also encourages people to buy things they don’t necessarily need, and unfortunately, this has some adverse effects on creating unnecessary waste and people throwing out ‘old’ gadgets just for the latest model. According to this Forbes article, the delivery of Black Friday purchases alone generated over 492,000 metric tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions last year in the UK – the equivalent of 435 return flights from London to New York. As a company dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint of the transport and logistics industry, we are all for Giving Tuesday’s rise in popularity and would encourage all of our users to engage with it in some way, whether you shop on Black Friday or not!

Of course, if you do need something delivered and want to do so in the most eco-conscious way, why not try posting it on Shiply to find a driving who is ‘going there anyway’?

The 5 R’s That Can Help Save The Planet

As a company, we are nearing one of our landmark goals in our fight against climate change, having saved nearly 200 Million KG/CO2, but whilst we approach our target, we wanted to share some tips for how you can help with your own efforts to save the planet.

Since our inception in 2008, reducing the eco-waste in the transport industry has always been one of our founding principles, and we could not be more proud of the ongoing success we see with regards to this goal. With the Paris Climate agreement being debated at the moment, and Extinction Rebellion protesting their cause in increasingly public ways, climate change is very much at the forefront of people’s minds, and for good reason – it is something that we all need to be making an effort with, no matter how big or small.

We want to take this opportunity to share 5 great tips that you can use in everyday life to cut down on your carbon footprint, with a great way to remember them too! So here they are, the 5 R’s of waste reduction:

Refuse – Don’t need that plastic bag? Refuse it! One of the simplest changes we can make to our daily lives that can have a big effect on unnecessary waste is simply refusing things we don’t need. This can also save you cash as plastic bags, for example, will cost you anywhere from 5p – 30p depending on the store. Get yourself a tote bag or packable shoulder bag and never have to pay for plastic bags again! The same is true of things like straws and packaging, just be conscious of things you take that will most likely end up in the bin by the end of the day.

Reduce – Do you really need to take a bus if you could just as easily cycle (or even scoot)? Finding alternate methods of transport is a great way of cutting down on unnecessary emissions, and with considerable efforts being made to encourage this through the construction of cycle superhighways and the introduction of numerous rental transport methods, from Santander Cycles to Lime Scooters, getting from A to B in an eco-conscious way has never been easier or more convenient.

Re-use – Quite a straightforward one, if you don’t need to throw something away, don’t! Upcycling is a skill, but one that is worth learning as it can save your wallet and the planet if done correctly. Sew your jeans up, try and fix that phone, take your broken furniture to a carpenter – whatever it is, you will find that some things are easier and cheaper to fix than you would think.

Rot – Food waste is probably the least talked about method on this list, despite being one of the easiest to do. When food waste goes into the bin it will end up in a landfill where it takes up unnecessary space, or in an incinerator that uses energy to destroy it. Instead, you can actually turn your food waste into energy for your garden! Just start a compost bin in your garden where you put all of your food scraps and wait until it breaks down and it should be the best natural fertiliser you can find. If you don’t have a garden, food waste is still collected by many councils so they can make compost themselves, so make sure you are at least collecting it in a separate bag to your normal bin – food waste bags are available everywhere.

Recycle – Do we even have to tell you about this one? We shouldn’t, but we will anyway. You can recycle plastic, paper, cardboard and even metal and glass if you find the right place. It may take a tiny bit more effort than just chucking it in the bin, but just think how great you can feel about yourself knowing you are doing your part in the fight against climate change! Just do some quick research in your local area to find the best spots to recycle.

And there we have it, 5 super simple ways you can help to save our environment. Of course, as a sneaky sixth tip, if you do need to ship any items, use Shiply to find a driver who is going there anyway, knowing that your delivery has not caused any extra emissions into the atmosphere! 

Eco-Tips: How To Be A More Eco-Conscious Shopper in 2021

Here at Shiply, one of our founding goals has always been to provide a framework for deliveries that benefits not only the customer and the drivers but also the environment.

As a company we take great pride in the amount of CO2 saved by our platform since 2008 (nearly 173 million KG!), but, we also acknowledge that there are so many other ways we as individuals can help the environment. We’d also like to think that our customers want to help out too!

We’ve put together a little list of things to try to help you become a more eco-conscious shopper this year.

Buy Less Plastic

The most obvious, but still one of the most important ways to be a more eco-conscious shopper is to try and cut down on how much plastic you buy. We all know how bad plastic is for the environment (very bad) so I won’t hammer the point home, but here are some great tips for cutting down on your usage:

  • Bring your own shopping bags to the supermarket
  • Buy a reusable water bottle
  • Buy a reusable coffee cup
  • Say no to plastic straws and cutlery (there are alternatives such as bamboo straws) – also, dine in more to cut down on takeaway packaging
  • Don’t buy fruit and veg sealed in plastic – get your own mesh bag

There are many more ways to save plastic not covered in this list, so I do encourage you to do further research. Also, I will add an obligatory reminder to RECYCLE to the end of this. Really, it’s so important.

Rows of plastic water bottles

Cut Down On ‘Fast’ Industries

I’ve owned many jackets in my lifetime. I’ve also owned many bedside tables and foldable desk chairs. No, I’m not trying to create the most boring list of facts about myself that has ever existed, I am emphasising that items like these should not be bought as often as they typically are. Sure, a new Winter coat every few years is fine, but if you find you are in need of replacing one every year, you should think about buying something that may be a bit more expensive but will definitely last longer.

The same goes for furniture. Whilst certain brands offer an extremely appealing price point, you have to remember that they are able to offer this price for a reason, and that reason is that the quality is likely significantly worse and you will need to replace the item in the not-so-distant future.

So many of these types of ‘fast’ products end up in landfills either 6 months after purchase, or sometimes just as a mountain of unsold stock, that cutting down on demand for them would prove to be a big step towards cutting down excess waste in general.

Whilst the option of buying more expensively is obviously not readily available to everyone, the consideration of quality is, and this is something you can question with every single purchase you make – ‘how long will this last?’.

Vintage clothing store

Buy More Items Second-Hand

New isn’t always better! Following on from cutting down on the ‘fast’ fashion and furniture industries, you can go all-out and instead decide to simply buy something second-hand! This can be especially handy when the price of higher quality items is simply too much for you but you still want to avoid ‘fast’ industry companies.

For clothing, this can actually be a lot of fun. Throwback vintage looks have been in style for a few years now, and you may actually find that often the quality and fit can be preferable to newer designs. For example, I personally buy Levi’s jeans second hand as not only is it cheaper but the quality and fit are both superior to what you can buy nowadays in my opinion.

In the same vein, antique or second-hand furniture can often bear designs and quality that you wouldn’t find in your high street furniture store. Plus, upcycling can be really good fun if you know what you are doing and the item requires it.

One downside you may be thinking is that, especially during the national lockdown, it is much more difficult to look for second-hand items that would usually be found in brick and mortar stores. However, there are so many second-hand auction sites to browse (and so much time on our hands at the moment) that you are sure to find something you like, and if you need help getting it to you, you can always use us!

vintage piece of furniture

Cut Down On Meat And Consider Meat Alternatives

Ok, so this one really isn’t for everyone, but if you’re like me then you have watched enough documentaries featuring a sad David Attenborough that you are willing to give anything a go. I’m not saying you have to become vegetarian, but even just trying to not buy and eat meat for one day a week would be hugely beneficial to the environment, and you may find some added benefits to your health too. Win-win!

You can have fun discovering new foods and learning new recipes to cook, all whilst knowing you are making Attenborough smile (and helping the environment of course). If you really can’t bear the thought of an all-out veggie meal, why not try some meat alternatives? You can really get everything from chicken nuggets to mince these days – it’s definitely worth a try.

Selection of fresh vegetables

I hope you have found this list useful, and remember, if you do need something shipped for up to 75% less than usual rates (and want to consider the environment when doing so), use Shiply!

The Impact Of Coronavirus On The Environment

Coronavirus has changed the world over the last few months, with the effects of the pandemic being felt in all different industries and walks of life. However, if there are any positives to be taken from the pandemic then the impact on the environment is definitely one of them. There has been a dramatic reduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere, a drop that has not been matched before despite the wars, recessions, and previous pandemics that we have seen over the last century.

Carbon emissions for 2020 will be an estimated 2-3 billion tonnes less than expected. To put that into perspective, that is roughly the energy demands of India for a year. World War 2 saw carbon emissions drop by around 800 million tonnes, whereas the financial crash in 2008 saw just a 450 million tonne reduction. Admittedly our carbon emissions as a planet have increased since then, but as a percentage drop, it is still a much larger reduction than any we have seen before.

The reason for this is the lockdown. With people working from home and being asked to stay indoors there was much less traffic on the roads and less pollution from trains and buses. Planes have been all but grounded for the last few months as holidays became implausible. Bike shops have been inundated with work as people look to get on two wheels to get around rather than four.

Whilst all these changes are having a positive impact on the environment for now, as things return to normal it becomes increasingly clear that this may just be a blip. Carbon emissions following the 2008 recession actually increased by 6% after the initial drop, and experts think we are likely to see this same trend continue if nothing is made of the dramatic improvements to our environment that lockdown has caused. 

Whilst what happens with carbon emissions following Coronavirus is yet to be seen, it seems obvious that unless policies and technologies are implemented which both demand and enable the reduction of carbon emissions we can generally expect things to go back to the levels we experienced pre-lockdown.

We should all be aware however that environmental improvements are not completely out of our hands. As individuals, we have the ability to reduce our personal carbon footprint by doing things like recycling, avoiding unnecessary plane journeys, and walking or cycling for the smaller trips we make in our day to day lives rather than opting for cars and public transport.

Businesses should also try and make a similar promise. As a company, Shiply is and has always been committed to reducing the carbon footprint of the logistics and delivery industry in general, and our methodology remains the same. By putting customers in contact with drivers who are ‘going there anyway’ we reduce the amount of unnecessary, empty, or part-full vehicles on the roads whilst also reducing delivery prices for our customers by up to 75%.

Whilst there is still a way to go in the fight against climate change and environmental damage, there is still a lot we can do as individuals and as business entities. As always, if you want cheap quotes to deliver your items (and want to help the environment whilst doing it), visit our website and get started today!

Stat Source: BBC

11 Tips For ‘Cut Your Energy Costs Day’ 2020

Another year, another set of New Years Resolutions! Whether it’s cutting out the cigarettes, joining a gym or going vegetarian it is always nice to invest time into bettering yourself, but what if there was another resolution which could not only help your wallet out but help the environment too?

Every year on January 10th the nation celebrates ‘cut your energy costs day’ (there’s a day for everything, I know…) and in light of this we are going to share our top tips on how to save money and reduce excessive energy waste at the same time. Whilst some may require an initial investment, they will ultimately bring down the cost of your energy bill.

Let’s start with the easy ones:

Check that you are getting the best deal with your energy supplier

The first thing you should do when looking into reducing your energy bills is check whether you are getting the best price in the first place. There are plenty of sites out there which are able to compare deals and work out the best one for you, and you will often find that switching suppliers can reward you with a lesser bill as prices get more and more competitive for new customers. 

If becoming more eco-friendly is your primary concern then there are companies out there who offer 100% green electricity. Often it can be just as cheap as standard suppliers, and your current supplier may even offer an alternative ‘green’ energy tariff, which could save you switching.

Another quick tip is to make sure that you aren’t being sent bills in the mail – not only is this a massive waste of paper in our digital-first age but suppliers often charge extra for paper bills!

Turn off appliances when not in use

You are probably (definitely) familiar with this one, but this isn’t just about turning the lights off when you leave a room. Appliances left in standby mode can still use energy, and although it is a minimal amount, having numerous devices on standby mode constantly can quickly add up. Further, even phone and laptop chargers can use minimal amounts of energy when left plugged in and so the best option is to simply turn the switch off at the socket to eliminate any risk of energy waste.

Consider getting energy-saving lightbulbs

Whilst turning lights off when a room is unoccupied is a sure-fire way to save on your energy bill and help out the environment, you can actually take a further step and save energy even when the lights are turned on. Energy-efficient LED (light-emitting diode) and CFL (compact fluorescent lamp) lightbulbs are widely available in stores for just a few pounds and are a much more economical option than standard lightbulbs due to the fact that they last longer and do not lose energy as heat. One more thing to consider is whether you are using a lightbulb relative to the size of the room.

Absolutely do not use portable heaters

This is just a quick one, but if your heating is not sufficient then it is far more economical in the long term to look at getting this fixed. Whilst portable heaters are a quick solution they are incredibly costly in terms of the amount of energy they use and your bill will quickly rack up.

Monitor heat in individual rooms

Keeping an eye on your heating is always recommended, making sure it is only switched on when it’s needed and ensuring it’s not set at an unnecessarily high level (always put a jumper on and see how you feel before resorting to bumping the heating up). However, if you want to go that extra mile to reduce your energy wastage you should check the individual levels set on radiators in each room and make sure they aren’t turned up high when they don’t need to be.

Invest in a smart meter

If you’re into your tech then buying a smart meter is a great excuse to get another gadget in your house which can save you money and help reduce unnecessary energy waste. Smart meters are becoming more and more advanced, offering the ability to control your heating from your smartphone, set heating routines based on your habits and even auto-adjusting themselves based on the weather, all of which is great for ensuring no energy is wasted.

Get a new boiler

Whilst the tips above relating to heating will absolutely help you save some money and reduce energy waste, the number one thing you can do to be more efficient with the energy you pay for in terms of heating is get a new boiler. A new boiler can be incredibly costly initially, but given that heating accounts for roughly half of the average annual energy bill, the savings over a few years will more than justify the investment. Newer boilers have advanced to the level that they can recycle waste heat and use it heat water!

Cut down on water waste 

Whilst you may pay for your water bill in full already, pumping that water out uses energy, and this is where you can reduce some energy waste. Energy-saving shower heads can save you money by implementing a more even spread of water in the shower which in turn reduces the amount of water needing to be pumped through. This can reduce the amount of water needed for your average shower by approximately 50% in some cases. Similar heads are available for taps, and as a bonus tip checking for leaks in pipes can further reduce wasted energy.

Get your house properly insulated

If your house isn’t properly insulated then you are essentially leaking money when using your heating. Heating can be lost through your loft, walls and windows and this can increase the average energy bill by up to £270 a year.

Whilst this is an expensive investment initially, again in the long-term it will drastically bring your energy bills down and reduce unnecessary waste. Single glazed windows can be switched out for double glazed ones which let out far less heat, and both cavity and solid wall insulation is available which will drastically reduce the amount of heat lost through them.

Energy-efficient appliances

We are definitely in the realm of expensive investments for long term gains regarding your energy bill now, but getting newer, energy-efficient appliances for your home is a surefire way to cut back on unnecessary energy waste.

To illustrate just how much money this can save you, an old washing machine can cost you up to £56 a year, whereas a newer, more energy-efficient model can cost as little as £15 a year. You can use the EU energy-efficiency rating to ascertain just how economical a new appliance is. The main offenders for energy-sucking appliances are washing machines, tumble dryers and fridge-freezers and so if any of these are outdated in your home this is definitely something to consider when replacing them. 

You can even sell off your old appliances to try and get a bit of money back, and if you do choose to go this route don’t forget you can always use Shiply to deliver your goods in an environmentally friendly (and cheap) way.

Solar Panels

Ok so admittedly if you can afford solar panels you probably aren’t too concerned with the cost of your energy bill, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still help the environment! Solar panels transform the sun’s rays into energy and it’s been estimated that it would take just 21,250 square miles (roughly 0.5% of the USA’s land) to power the entire country. They are dropping massively in cost as well, so if you are looking for a long-term solution to cheaper and more sustainable energy bills and a more eco-friendly source of power in your home then they are definitely something to consider.

So there you have it, a multitude of ways to cut down on your energy bill and help save the world in doing so, we hope this helps!

Being Environmentally Aware on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Black Friday Electronic Cell PhoneWaste
Electronic Waste
Source: Flickr

Black Friday is the shopper’s favourite day of the year, but the consequences on the environment are significant. How can you join in on the fun whilst still thinking green?

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday fast approaching, consumers across the country are readying themselves for some of the best deals and discounts of the year. It’s no secret however that world’s favourite shopping weekend takes its toll on the environment; with over 174  million making purchases in America alone that’s a lot of orders to be delivered or plastic bags to be taken home!

If you want to shop over Black Friday but are concerned about the effects on the planet, here are a few things you can do:

Consider whether you actually need what you are buying

Before you go and splash out on that new wireless set of headphones or those trainers you’ve been eyeing up for the past month, take a moment and consider whether you actually NEED them. The fashion and tech industries are two of the biggest contributors to environmental damage due to the rapid developments they experience, and whilst it is certainly tempting to want the latest of everything the consequences for our planet are bad. If you do need a phone upgrade or some new clothes, just make sure to recycle or dispose of the old items responsibly!

Shop online and opt for slower delivery times

Research suggests that shopping in-store is actually worse for the environment on Black Friday weekend due to the number of individuals heading out in cars to get to the shops. It’s actually much better for the environment to shop online over the famous weekend, however, this comes with a caveat – choosing a fast delivery time will negate any positive effect that shopping online has had. By choosing faster delivery times we encourage companies to send out as many vehicles as possible to ensure deliveries are made on time, whereas slower delivery times allow for more organisation and efficiency.

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a trend that emerged in 2012 as a result of the environmental damage that Black Friday and Cyber Monday cause. It encourages people to give back to the environment on the following Tuesday, whether that consists of going out and picking up some rubbish (and recycling it), volunteering or donating some money to charity. If you are feeling guilty about your Black Friday spending habits this is the perfect opportunity to give back.

And of course, if you do need any old items moved somewhere or some new purchases picked up, be sure to use Shiply for cheap quotes and shipping that will have a minimal impact on the environment!

Avoid Protest Road Closures With Shiply

Road Closures in London
Source: Google Maps

Protests erupted yesterday with thousands around the world taking to the streets, asking that governments take action against climate change.

The overarching tactic of the protesters appears to be to use peaceful methods to close roads and bring the issue to the attention of people in power, with brave tactics ranging from cementing themselves under lorries with glue to one man who parked his car in the middle of a street and locked himself to the steering wheel with a bike chain.

The protests are expected to last two weeks and will cause severe delays in the major cities of London, Berlin, Madrid, Amsterdam and Sydney among others, with road users experiencing the most disruption.

We understand that, despite the importance of these protests, people still need to move things through cities, and that’s where Shiply can help. 

We pride ourselves on being an eco-friendly company, utilising the empty return journeys that transport providers often make to save unnecessary miles on the road and provide customers with a cheaper option for transporting goods.

With an estimated 324,551,037 miles saved through our service (that’s just over 13,000 times around the world) you can still move your things, whether it’s a whole house move or an eBay listing, without feeling like you are contributing to the undeniable issue that is global warming.

Why not take the headache out of the road closures and use Shiply to find someone who is going there anyway.