Taming a Truck Gone Wild!

An overambitious load almost led to a truck being upended in Pakistan earlier this week. The intricately detailed truck, which was delivering wheat, had to be lassoed and righted by volunteers just north of the Pakistani capital.

image: reuters

The vehicle perched perilously on the edge of a road until the passing men could help to pull it back down to earth. Delivery trucks in Pakistan are lovingly decorated by their owners who spend thousands of dollars on “pimping” their rides, we think they look great!

World’d Most Expensive i-Pad App?!

69p is about the going rate for an app right? How about $15,000,000?

OK so it’s not an app per-se but the Adastra Superyacht is possibly the most awesome thing to ever be controlled by a tablet computer. The 139ft brainchild of John Shuttleworth (terrific name) looks more like a spaceship than a boat and is also fuel efficient too owing to it’s lightweight design.

It may not be the first vehicle to be operable by i-Pad, but it’s certainly the coolest!

Shiply Blog Superyacht

How about you? What would you control with your smartphone/tablet?

Boat Dive Wows Judges

A late entry to a diving competition stunned onlookers as a luxury boat took the top prize scoring 10’s from the judges, who gave this statement.
“We don’t usually allow boats in the competition, it’s usually restricted to humans.” 

Flamboyant Rolls-Royce up for sale

A classic Rolls-Royce convertible is expected to fetch 1 million pounds at auction later this year. The body of this unique specimen was custom made for a high-ranking Freemason living in Manchester. The 1958 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud I Two-Seat Drophead Coupé is one of only two ever made and boasts some impressive features including an electric bonnet and a cocktail bar in the huge boot.

Rolls-Royce historian Philip Brooks said: ‘Freestone and Webb came up with several rather flamboyant designs for saloons and dropheads, of which this car and its sisters were the ultimate examples. They all remain controversial designs, with both fans and haters. Having seen one in the flesh, so to speak, I can say that the dropheads really do look lovely.

The car will be auctioned in Monaco on May 12th, so anyone interested in purchasing will need to make sure they’re there.


Whilst the title may be a slight exaggeration, Royal Mail have reacted very seriously to the attacks of a certain cat. Royal Mail workers have been told not to visit the address where the cat resides as it has been deemed a health and safety risk. Many of the postmen visiting the house have suffered from deep cuts at the paws of Snowball the black and white cat. Her owner Mr Wilkinson was baffled when he was informed that he would no longer be receiving his mail directly to his home in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.’I have never seen her attack a person. Sometimes she sniffs people’s feet when they come over for dinner – that’s as vicious as she gets.’

Despite character references from the neighbours, Royal Mail has insisted Mr Wilkinson will not receive any mail until an ‘alternative safe delivery point’ has been put in place.

Fan goes ‘Back to the Future’

Fanatic fan Brian O’Neill regularly lives his dream by driving around in a converted DeLorean. The DeLorean has been converted into a replica of the one featured in the 1980s film ‘Back to the Future’. O’Neill has also confessed to dressing up as Doc Brown with a large white lab coat and eccentric wig.

‘I love the car and everybody else seems to as well.’ said Brian O’Neill. ‘People are enthusiastic about it and that is what I like and love about it. It is such a fun car and I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. People are amazed when they see me driving around in it. I think they have to do a double take.’ All together the car has cost £20 000 and 20 years to make, a small price to pay for happiness.

Someone should tell him that DeLorean have now gone electric. Not even Doc Brown saw that one coming!