What you can do this World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day (5th June 2018). If you’re not sure what you can do to reduce your impact on the environment, we’ve put together some tips to keep you busy til the next World Environment Day and beyond!

Stop throwing away single-use plastic

Image Source: mauitime.com

Single-use plastics are a huge threat to our environment, so if you are buying plastic you should make sure it’s not intended to be thrown away after just one use. You may have noticed already that many bars and restaurants are now supplying paper straws, or adopting a policy where plastic straws will only be provided when asked for.

There are also things you can do at home. You may need to pay slightly more upfront to invest in a more durable plastic water bottle for example, which will last much longer than one use (and can get you discounts in coffee shops including Pret a Manger!), or invest in reusable non-plastic food wrap for packed lunches rather than cling film or sandwich bags.

Take a look at items you routinely buy and how much plastic packaging they arrive in and whether it’s necessary in case there are alternatives that can easily replace them. For example, there are several companies now that make more eco-friendly toothbrushes out of wood or bamboo. Take a look at Humble Brush or Brush with Bamboo to see if you could make the switch.


Reduce your waste

Image Source: sensorysmart.co.uk

Cut your bills with an Eco Egg – unlike your typical washing powder or box of tablets, an eco egg lasts for hundreds of washes. All you need to do is top up the beads inside to keep the freshness going. This could save you money on your water bill as well as preventing you throwing away the plastic bottles/packaging that normal washing powder comes in.

You can also invest in a Hippo Bag to put in your toilet’s cistern that prevents the whole tank from emptying with every flush, so saving you water and keeping your water bill down!


Car sharing

If you drive to work along the same route as a colleague, why not discuss whether you could alternate driving throughout the week and share a car? There are even a few places in the UK where car sharing could make your journey a lot faster – Leeds, Birmingham and Bradford have car sharing lanes which would speed up your journey to work!


Try renting a bike

You may have noticed some rental bikes popping up around your area. Companies like Ofo and Mobike have introduced dockless bikes that can be parked anywhere. To use a bike, download the app and it’ll show you where they are located. To unlock a bike, you use the app to scan the bike’s code and off you go. You pay via the app for the total duration of the rental once you’ve finished with it.


What changes have you made for World Environment Day?